The Hypixel Server already supports or is in the process of translating the following languages:
Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Japanese, Korean, Swedish, Polish, Danish, Finnish, Czech, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Romanian
If your in-game language settings have changed without you changing them, it could mean the account was used by someone else. We strongly encourage you to quickly secure your account by following our guide on How to Keep Your Account Secure on Hypixel.
Table of Content
- Change Your Game's Language
- Help Translate Hypixel
- Translation Do's and Don'ts
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Proofreader Information & FAQ
Change Your Game's Language
How to Change Your Language on Hypixel:
- Right-click your head in any lobby on the Hypixel Server.
- Choose the globe-resembling head item titled "Select Language."
- Left-click on your preferred language.
- If desired, toggle automatic language detection by clicking the Magma Cream item titled "Auto-Detect Language" at the bottom right of the language setting menu; it is enabled by default.
How to Change Your Language in Minecraft:
- Launch Minecraft.
- From the menu screen or your settings, click the globe-resembling "Language" button.
- Find your language, click it, and wait while your Minecraft client updates. Then hit "Done."
- If your selected Minecraft client language is not supported on Hypixel, server-side texts will be displayed in English.
Help Translate Hypixel
Hypixel's Translation Project allows for English-speaking bilingual players to help us translate in-game texts into the previously listed languages. By contributing, you can help us support more languages and improve the gaming experience for non-English speaking players. Read the guide below to start.
To help us translate Hypixel into your language, follow these steps:
- Register (or sign in) at
- Fill in your profile information, including your Minecraft username.
- Find your language on the Project Page and click it.
- Click "Join" next to the "You must join the translator team to be able to participate in this project" message to apply.
- Wait for a team member to review and respond to your application.
- Once accepted, check your language's Discussions tab for hints/issues.
- Introduce yourself and say hello to the team.
- Read the do's and don'ts when translating provided below.
- Click back to the Files tab and hit the Translate or Vote button to begin!
Due to the large number of applications, we will expand our translation team in small batches as needed and cannot accept everyone. You will receive an email if you have been accepted to the team.
Translation Do's and Don'ts
General translation do's:
- Do be consistent by searching Crowdin for previously used words and phrases.
- Do use singulars over plurals, masculine forms over feminine ones, general terms over specifics, informal over formal, and the most probable outcomes, if lacking the needed context to translate properly.
- Do use Crowdin comments to review and provide useful information.
- Do leave it to someone else if you're unable to translate something properly.
- Do reorder words if it is grammatically correct in your language.
- Do localize to how words or phrases would be said in your language if it doesn't translate well.
- Do vote for existing translations if everything has already been translated into your language.
General translation don'ts:
- Do not use machine translation, which is often incorrect.
- Do not translate variables formatted as %%text%% and usually highlighted in green.
- Do not remove multi-line translations when doing your own translations.
- Do not translate game names, mode names, major server features, or store-related items.
SkyBlock-specific translation guidance:
- SkyBlock: Do not translate the game name "SkyBlock."
- Sprays: Do not translate the term "Spray" itself, only individual spray names.
- Furniture: Do not translate the term "Furniture."
- Minion Skins: Do not translate the term "Minion Skins" anywhere.
- Booster Cookies: Do not translate the term "Booster Cookies" at all.
- Fire Sale: Do not translate the term "Fire Sales" anywhere it appears.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why can't I find my language?
Hypixel is in the process of translating some of the most common client languages used on the server. More languages could potentially be supported based on demand later.
Will you offer right-to-left languages, such as Hebrew?
At the moment, the translation system only supports left-to-right languages, so RTL languages are not available for translation at this time.
Why is my favorite minigame not translation supported?
We are working to support as many games as possible depending on demand. This process takes time, so please bear with us.
Why are some things still in English in a supported game or lobby?
Not all systems have been adapted to offer multilingual support. We hope to update these as necessity and demand dictates.
How do I report mistakes or errors in active translations?
You can report issues by using the discussion section of the project or searching for the relevant string and reporting it directly.
Why is a flawed translation stuck with lots of votes?
These situations can only be solved by a proofreader. We currently have proofreaders from both the community and the staff team working to ensure inaccurate translations do not get added to the server.
Why have I not been accepted into the Translation Team after waiting awhile?
Due to the number of applications we have received, it may take some time to receive a response if accepted. We appreciate your patience!
Proofreader Information & FAQ
What is the proofreader role?
Proofreaders are dedicated members of our Translation Team who consistently submit accurate translations. They review translations submitted by other translators, as well as contributing original translations of their own. They are not staff members of the Hypixel Network but simply community members who have been entrusted with further responsibilities related to the Hypixel Translation Project.
How do I become a proofreader?
The application requirements for becoming a proofreader are as follows:
- Over a month experience as a Hypixel Translator
- 500+ approved translations
- No network or forum infractions within the last 12 months (not including those overturned)
- In-game experience on the Hypixel Network
- A Discord account linked to the Official Hypixel Discord
If you meet the above requirements and want to become a proofreader, follow these steps:
- Send a Crowdin message to Judg3 (Translation Project Lead) expressing your interest in becoming a proofreader for the language(s) you are currently translating.
- Make sure you meet all the requirements listed above before you submit your application, and ensure that it follows the format listed below.
- Wait for your application to be reviewed, which may take a few days. You will receive a message back regardless of the outcome.
Application format:
Minecraft IGN:
Language you're translating:
Project join date: