All Hypixel players can join parties with other users. Parties allow you to play with your friends in your games.
A party allows you to group up with your friends on the Hypixel Server to play the different game modes. The Party Leader is the one in charge of the settings for the party and of choosing games. The leader can also warp the party into their lobby to all hang out together! Creating a party will automatically make you the party leader.
Party Commands
To create a party, start by inviting one of your friends with the command: /p [name]
This will invite them to your party. You can check who is in your party at any time by doing: /party list
To chat with your party, you can use the command /pchat [message] or /chat p
To switch back to our main chat, use the command /chat a
To see the full list of commands in-game, try doing /p or /party
Here is a full list of the commands you can use, all starting with /party.
- Help - Will show you the party commands
- Invite [player] - Invites a player to your party
- List - Lists the people currently in your party
- Leave - Leaves your current party
- Warp - Warps your party to your server
- Disband - Disbands your party
- Promote [player] - Promotes a party member to either party mod or party leader.
- Demote [player] - Demotes a party mod to a party member.
- Transfer [player] - Transfers the party to another player.
- Kick [player] - Removes a player from your party
- Kickoffline - Kicks offline members of your party
- Settings - Gives you a list of additional settings you can edit for your party
- The command /p settings allinvite will allow everyone in your party to invite other players
- Poll question/answer/answer - Puts a question to your party for them to vote on
- Mute - Mutes your party chat so only party leader, party mods, and staff members can use it.
- Challenge [player] - Challenges another party to a Cops and Crims duel
- Private - Toggles the private game mode (only available to MVP++)
Stream Command
MVP++ ranked players also have access to the /stream command, which provides the ability to create a public party that other players can join without requiring an invite - which is perfect for, well, streaming!
This feature is really easy to use. Simply run the command, click the "Create Party" link in the book which opens, and select the maximum number of players you want to allow in your party (between 2 and 100).
After doing this, you will then be given a command which can be given to other players so that they can join your party. This will look something like this, but with your in-game name:
/party join <NAME>
From here, you are now able to use the regular party commands to manage your party. You can also manage some settings specific to your public party from the book given to you after the party was set up. If you closed this book, you can reopen this by using the /stream command again.
From this book, you can do the following:
- Turn chat ON / OFF - By default, public parties are muted which means that players cannot talk. You can unmute them so players can talk by toggling this setting.
- Change max players - Modify the player limit for your party which you set up during party creation.
- Close party - close the party so new players cannot join. If you want to re-open the party after doing this, you can do so by setting the max players again.
- Drain party - removes everyone from the party but yourself.
- Disband party - disbands the party entirely.